- 01 Feasibility Assessment
- 02 Comparative Product Research
- 03 Invention & Patent Prior Art Search
- 04 Design Prior Art Search
- 05 Trade Mark Prior Art Search
- 06 Product Pricing (W/S & RRP)
- 07 Market Research & Validation
- 08 Targeted Marketing
- 09 Sketch, Draw & Illustrate (2D & 3D)
- 10 Make, Model, Mock Up
- 11 Industrial Design & Development
- 12 Sample or Prototype
- 13 Develop Specifications
- 14 Grants, Awards & Tenders
05 Trade Mark Prior Art Search
Trade Mark Prior Art Search is about scouring for already existing Trade Marks that have been submitted with IP Offices around the world and assess whether it has already been registered and or formally protected. Ideally these searches find very little to no prior art in your way so that you can progress and evolve your Trade Mark or Name as part of developing your branding, logo and look and feel.
To ensure that your Trade Mark or Name is unique and not already owned by someone else, we offer Clients formal and thorough ‘deep’ prior art searches within Trade Mark or Name databases that target within and nearby Trade Mark Classifications which take time and require a commercial mindset to locate relevant and potentially infringing Trade Mark elements of prior art. Historically this process reveals prior art that is potentially an issue or is minimally useful for our Clients.
This step can be skipped, however if your Trade Mark or Name Application is ‘examined’ by a Trade Mark Office Examiner to find that you are too close or very similar to an already registered Trade Mark and or Name, your application may not be able to overcome the citations, so it’s good due diligence to carry out your own prior art searches before you apply to minimise the chance of this predicament occurring.
If there appears to be little in your way in terms of prior art, then it would be a matter of developing your branding, logo and look and feel then lodging your Trade Mark or Name Application, which of course we can do for you.
If you have:
- Intentions of doing business in either the Australia or United States of America or Europe,
- One or a series of similar innovations or products,
- A description about your innovations or products,
- An image, sketch or drawing of your innovations or products, and
- An email account that you are happy to receive a simple emailed report of your Trade Mark Prior Art Search results,
then for our reduced fee of $599 $399 we promise to get your exhaustive Trade Mark Prior Art Search report for either Australia or United States of America or Europe to you within 5 business days. So why wait, find out whether someone has a similar trade mark that will stop you from obtaining your Trade Mark by clicking on the Buy Now button below !